New: 7-Keto DHEA and Weight Loss
There is a body of research on 3-acetyl-7-oxo dehydroepiandrosterone, or 7-Keto DHEA, that presents a great benefit for weight loss.
And there is also history to this body of research. For example, Kaiman et al. in 2000, created a double-blind, placebo-controlled protocol for 30 adults (28 women and 2 men) that were overweight. They were randomly divided into two groups, one received the 7-oxo-DHEA, 100mg twice daily, and the 2nd group received a placebo. All of them exercised 3 times a week (part of the protocol) for 60 minutes, and under supervision. They also followed a specific diet supervised by a registered dietitian.
As you can see, this was quite a strict protocol, and indeed 7 dropped out, but 23 completed the 8-week study (which is good!).
Group 1 lost quite a bit of weight, compared to group 2, and significant reduction in body fat, 3.1 times that of the placebo group (group 2).
More good news - significant changes in vital signs, blood sugar, hormonal, and renal function. That is exciting.
And 23 years later, 7-Keto DHEA, a review by Jeyaprakash, et al. (2023) shows that more research is needed (always, after all, we do love to explore), while many scientists speak favorably on 7-Keto and weight loss, these scientists excluded too many studies. As usual, I chose an interesting review article, from scientists that possibly go a bit far in their exclusion criteria, and possibly, because they do not understand the holistic nature of health - they miss out on good research by other scientists.
Yours as always,
- Jeyaprakash, N., Maeder, S., Janka, H., & Stute, P. (2023). A systematic review of the impact of 7-keto-DHEA on body weight. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 308(3), 777-785. Article
Kaiman, D. S., Colker, C. M., Swain, M. A., Torina, G. C., & Shi, Q. (2000). A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone in healthy overweight adults. Current therapeutic research, 61(7), 435-442. Abstract
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