Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Food Allergies and Polyphenols

The solution to food allergies may be simpler than we have anticipated - add more polyphenols to the diet with supplements that are rich and measured. 

This is a beautiful article, albeit a long one, covers in details what are polyphenols, why we need to take them as supplements, the health benefits and of course, as we have discussed for the past couple of weeks, their amazing antioxidant capacity to create more harmony in the body. 

The article considers how polyphenols are extracted, and they even use a term that Seann and I developed with our scientists two decades ago - green technology to extract powerful nutrients! It brings happiness to my heart. 




The multifactorial process of aging predisposes humans to infections and inflammatory disorders, thus affecting their quality of life and longevity. Given this reality, the need to increase the consumption of bioactive compounds, like dietary polyphenols emerges in our daily basis mostly due to their health related effects in slowing-down the incidence of chronic and degenerative diseases and even food allergy, which has been growing rapidly in prevalence currently affecting 5% of adults and 8% of children. Polyphenols embrace a large family of secondary metabolites from plant-derived foods and food wastes and are considerable of interest since they have attracted special attention over the years because of their reported anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties along with their high antioxidant capacity. These compounds are claimed as nutraceuticals with protective effect in offsetting oxidant species over-genesis in normal cells, and with the potential ability to stop or reverse oxidative stress-related diseases. Plant-derived foods represent a substantive portion of human diet containing a significant amount of structurally diverse polyphenols. There is a need to understand the polyphenolic composition of plant-derived foods mainly because of its chemistry, which discloses the bioactivity of a plant extract. However, the lack of standardized methods for analysis and other difficulties associated to the nature and distribution of plant polyphenols leads to a high variability of available data. Furthermore, there is still a gap in the understanding of polyphenols bioavailability and pharmacokinetics, which clearly difficult the settlement of the intake needed to observe health outcomes. Many efforts have been made to provide highly sensitive and selective analytical methods for the extraction (liquid-liquid; solid-liquid; supercritical-fluid), separation (spectrophotometric methods) and structural identification (chromatographic techniques, NMR spectroscopy, MS spectrometry) of phenolic and polyphenolic compounds present in these extracts. Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) has been a fundamental technique in this area of research, not only for the determination of this family of compounds in food matrices, but also for the characterization and identification of new polyphenols classified with nutraceutical interest. This review summarizes the nature, distribution and main sources of polyphenols, analytical methods from extraction to characterization to further evaluate the health effects toward immune reactions to food. Article

 High ORAC Synbiotic

Polyphenols with a very high Total ORAC and probiotics:  1 capsule a day. We also suggest the High ORAC for post antibiotic care, precisely because of its antimicrobial potential.   


  • Bessa, C., Francisco, T., Dias, R., Mateus, N., Freitas, V. D., & Pérez-Gregorio, R. (2021). Use of polyphenols as modulators of food allergies. From chemistry to biological implications. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5, 623611. Article

Sincerely yours,


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.


Green Facts:

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Jantan, I., Haque, M. A., Arshad, L., Harikrishnan, H., Septama, A. W., & Mohamed-Hussein, Z. A. (2021). Dietary polyphenols suppress chronic inflammation by modulation of multiple inflammation-associated cell signaling pathways. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 108634. Article


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