Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Happy Thanksgiving 2024: We Love and Thank You. 15% off

Thanksgiving is upon us, and I wanted to take a moment and thank you for spending the year with me and trusting BioImmersion with your health. 

Thank-You 2024 is our way to show gratitude for our relationship, a 15% savings on all the products. 

It is an honor for me to have you as a customer of BioImmersion. I trust, respect, and as you know, love you -  you work hard to bring health and equilibrium back into people's lives.

This is my third Thanksgiving without Seann. I do feel his guidance and with each day at the helm of BioImmersion I get to experience the richness and beautify of the company he built. I thank all of you for standing by my side, for loving the products and trusting in me.

Manufacturing the best products for you is indeed a laborious process that is so worth the sacrifice - of time and expense, endurance, patience. I fall deeper in love with this company and the products we make, the people I work with, and you. It is experiencing goodness in itself, and that is so special. 

I thank you with a heart filled with love. 

If you have any issue with the 15% off, please email us at or call us at 425-502-9788

And check out a few articles on gratitude and health in our references. As always, we combine science, knowledge and love.



  • Boggiss, A. L., Consedine, N. S., Brenton-Peters, J. M., Hofman, P. L., & Serlachius, A. S. (2020). A systematic review of gratitude interventions: Effects on physical health and health behaviors. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 135, 110165.
  • Jans-Beken, L., Jacobs, N., Janssens, M., Peeters, S., Reijnders, J., Lechner, L., & Lataster, J. (2020). Gratitude and health: An updated review. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 15(6), 743-782.
  • Schache, K., Consedine, N., Hofman, P., & Serlachius, A. (2019). Gratitude–more than just a platitude? The science behind gratitude and health. British journal of health psychology.
  • Maksutova, M., Kemp, M. T., Sharma, S. B., Shen, M., Leininger, L., Singer, A. A., ... & Sandhu, G. (2023). “You've Got Gratitude!”—A Multispecialty and Multi-institution Program Encouraging Expressions of Gratitude. Journal of Surgical Education.


Yours as Always,


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.

 Research and Our World: Peace 

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 We prosper in times of peace, but what about trying times? Gratitude in fact, supports us through the good and the bad. 

Kurian, R. M., & Thomas, S. (2023). Gratitude as a path to human prosperity during adverse circumstances: a narrative review. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 1-14.

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