Immune Booster Protocol. Evolved and Powerful. Perfect for the Holidays
We always feel the excitement of the holiday season when the lights on the trees in the neighborhood are turned on - so bright and happy.
In the darkest time of the year, and especially here in Washington state, where it rains a lot (OK, more than a lot!), and the sky is grey and dark.
In the midst of this kind of gloom, although I must confess, I am sort of used to it, and many times it just feels cozy. But I digress.
The holiday season does bring on stress, crowds that you don't really see any other time of the year, and... more sugar, carbs, fats, and alcohol. Yes, it is festive.
So it is a great time to stock up on our flue and cold protocol, to boost up your energy, and keep the weight down (we'll talk more about that later!).
I have upgraded the Immune Boosting Protocol because we are in the process of learning, updating, and testing, evolving and getting better and more skilled at what we do!
Mainly, we have pulled many people out of misery using this simple and elegant protocol, and in the process, supported their ability to withstand stress, which as we know, is one of the reasons we succumb to undesired organisms that just don't like to play nice in our body.
And it is 10% off.
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- Deley, G., Guillemet, D., Allaert, F. A., & Babault, N. (2017). An acute dose of specific grape and apple polyphenols improves endurance performance: a randomized, crossover, double-blind versus placebo controlled study. Nutrients, 9(8), 917. Article
- Flanagan, E. K., Jimenez, L. Q., Flanagan, C. P., Arwari, B., & Smith, W. N. (2016). Apple versus Caffeinated Beverages as Ergogenic Aids During Physical and Cognitive Performance: A Pilot Study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 48(5S), 63. Abstract
- Hodgson, J. M., Prince, R. L., Woodman, R. J., Bondonno, C. P., Ivey, K. L., Bondonno, N., ... & Lewis, J. R. (2016). Apple intake is inversely associated with all-cause and disease-specific mortality in elderly women. British Journal of Nutrition, 115(5), 860-867.
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- Mohammadifard, N., Humphries, K. H., Gotay, C., Mena-Sánchez, G., Salas-Salvadó, J., Esmaillzadeh, A., ... & Sarrafzadegan, N. (2017). Trace minerals intake: risks and benefits for cardiovascular health. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 1-13. Abstract
- Pappas, A. C., Godlewska, K., & Surai, P. F. (2018). Dietary Food and Feed Supplements with Trace Elements. Recent Advances in Trace Elements, 421441. Chapter20
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- Saha, J., & Agrawal, S. (2021). Broccoli-As Immunity Booster Against COVID-19. In Immunity Boosting Functional Foods to Combat COVID-19 (pp. 133-141). CRC Press. Abstract
- Silva, C. S., Moutinho, C., Ferreira da Vinha, A., & Matos, C. (2019). Trace minerals in human health: Iron, zinc, copper, manganese and fluorine. International Journal of Science and Research Methodology, 13(3), 57-80. Article
Yours as Always,
We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.
Research and Our World: Peace
From my Normative Kantian Peace Model: World peace as a Categorical Imperative is a Mature (enlightened) state of our collective attitude (toward one another). From Kant: “Human being’s moral education must begin, not with an improvement of mores, but with the transformation of his attitude of mind and the establishment of a character…” (Kant, Religion, Ak 6:48) |
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