Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Share the Power

It is important to be happy. It has become a key word for me this year. 

How often do you feel a bubbling happiness that just wants to share and embrace life and everyone and everything in it? 

That is the intent I put forth this year, and to my surprise, it took some doing! Actual effort in making this intent a reality. 

First I worked on feeling wholeness, as it has been a trying journey without Seann in the past year and a half. My friends have been an incredible source of love and stability, and I felt woven into a safe cocoon that enveloped every aspect of my life. 

It was during this time, being woven into a whole, that I discovered my love of life is strong as ever, that we are all connected as one, and that everyone I love that is here or not here is actually still here. 

Seann told me before he passed that dying is living - and I have realized that in this beautiful universe, we are indeed one. Never separated from the Divine, from people who have been and still are in our life. 

Share the Power is a fun educational series on how to become healthy and whole.

It is my way of celebrating this amazing happiness that always bubbled within Seann - It is powerfully infectious - as many of you know and experienced!

Knowledge is power - and in this series we share what we know to empower others.

You have seen the short videos, my interviews with some of you.  If you have not - get into it, feel the love and soak the knowledge from people in our community.

And, I would love to interview you! BioImmersion's products have much research to illuminate how to use them but there is nothing like clinical experience - please share with us, let us know and let's share with others. 

I am adding here again a short interview with Christina Walker, RN, who has experienced Near Death and has journeyed for years to find wholeness, health, and peace.


Christina Walker:



  • Buber, M. (1970). I and Thou (Vol. 243). Simon and Schuster.

Sincerely yours,


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.

 Research and Our World: Peace 

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 We have two major wars going on in the world that are being reported and followed, and many conflicts and tensions all over the world. Remember the message of oneness. There is no separation between us. Martin Buber knew it well, his book is one of the most enduring and profound. I and Thou. The question is how do we reach out to the "other"?

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