Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Healthy Protein Consumption Levels

Dear Friends

A new study shows a definitive correlation between high consumption of meat and mortality risk.

More precisely, the study shows that high protein intake during the middle age, especially if the source is meat, milk and cheese, is very harmful.  It is however protective for older adults. People over 65 who ate a moderate or high protein diet were less suceptible to disease. See Clinical Notes below for dietary suggestions.

Crimmins EM., Longo VD, et al. Low Protein Intake is Associated with a Major Reduction in IGF-1, Cancer, and Overall Mortality in the 65 and Younger but not Older Population. Cell Metabolism, March 2014;19(3): 407-417.

The research shows that a low-protein diet in middle age is useful for preventing cancer and overall mortality, through a process that involves regulating IGF-1 and possibly insulin levels, said co-author Eileen Crimmins, the AARP Chair in Gerontology at USC.

However, we also propose that at older ages, it may be important to avoid a low-protein diet to allow the maintenance of healthy weight and protection from frailty.

The researchers found that plant-based proteins, such as those from beans, did not seem to have the same mortality effects as animal proteins.  Rates of cancer and death also did not seem to be affected by controlling for carbohydrate or fat consumption, suggesting that animal protein is the main culprit.

It should be pointed out that this research was sited at the 2014 Food Revolution Summit, which by the way was fantastic and inspiring with such luminaries as Dean Ornish MD, Mark Hyman MD, Neal Barnard MD, Brenda Davis RD, and many others (see the link) . Many of the speakers were vegetarians or vegans.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Notes:

The healthy vegetarian diet promoted throughout the Food Summit of course assumed the consumption of whole foods and not refined carbohydrates.  The natural fibers, and phyto nutrients within whole foods are of the utmost importance for our achieving robust health and preventing disease.

To my morning Therapeutic Foods breakfast supplementation routine sited last week I am adding our Energy Sustain.  It makes a great base for a smoothy and brings into your diet four non glutenous seeds (organic amaranth, quinoa, chia and buckwheat) and one non glutenous grain (organic millet).

Upon rising drink 2 large glasses of water while taking the following:

  • Organic Chlorella- 4 tabs
  • Phyto Power- 2 caps
  • Wild Blueberry Extract- 1 cap
  • Cruciferous Sprouts- 2caps
  • Fructo Borate- 2 caps
  • Ultra Mineral- 2 caps
  • No. 7 Systemic Booster- 1 tsp mixed in one of the glasses of water.

Then off to my daily jog or basketball.
The Last Quiz Answer:

Gelada baboons were once one of Africa’s successful primates; now they are now living on the edge!

They are not actually true baboons.  They are in fact the last surviving species of a once widespread group of grass-grazing primates.  Geladas live in large groups of as many as 600 members.  Such a complex society requires clease communication, and geladas use visual signals, such as facial expression and body posture, to interact.  (Nature, BBC)


Dow Chemical, the same company that brought us Dursban, Napalm, and Agent Orange is now in the food business and is pushing for an unprecedented government approval:  genetically engineered versions of corn, soybeans and cotton that are designed to survive repeated dousing with 2, 4-D, half of the highly toxic chemical mixture Agent Orange.  Take Action Now.

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