Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Lose Excess Weight - Increase Your Energy

Dear Friend,

We have learned how to lose a few pounds (or many) with the supplement  Weight-Less But typically, as we lose weight often time we also are dragged down by low energy. So how do we keep our energy up and even increase our stamina as we lose weight? 

A very promising aspect of brown seaweed is its ability to aid weight loss by increasing metabolic rate (Miyashita et al., 2020). The ability to keep your blood sugar regulated without spikes and drops in itself supports stamina and energy. We added the 7 keto to help with extra energy to boost your ability to burn fat and enjoy high levels of activity. 

Taken with ENERGY- our ATP inducing product, your energy levels and stamina will be even throughout the day. 

ENERGY, our plant based Mesozoic Minerals with Apple Extract polyphenols can provide the precursors your mitochondria needs to create more ATP, pure energy to fuel every one of your metabolic processes. ATP makes your body work well on every level. ATP is the gas to fuel most all intracellular and extracellular metabolic processes enabling you to have more energy, stronger immunity, a healthier nervous system and better moods.  Take 1 to 2 capsules daily or more as need.

Weight-Less:  Brown Seaweed extracts and 7 Keto.  Suggested use: 1-2 capsules, 20 minutes before meals.


Sincerely yours,


  • References
    • Miyashita, K., Beppu, F., Hosokawa, M., Liu, X., & Wang, S. (2020). Nutraceutical characteristics of the brown seaweed carotenoid fucoxanthin. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics686, 108364. Abstract
    • Bauer, S., Jin, W., Zhang, F., & Linhardt, R. J. (2021). The application of seaweed polysaccharides and their derived products with potential for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Marine Drugs19(2), 89. Article
    • Alghazwi, M., Charoensiddhi, S., Smid, S., & Zhang, W. (2020). Impact of Ecklonia radiata extracts on the neuroprotective activities against amyloid beta (Aβ1-42) toxicity and aggregation. Journal of Functional Foods, 68, 103893.
    • Elfawy, H. A., & Das, B. (2019). Crosstalk between mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and age related neurodegenerative disease: Etiologies and therapeutic strategies. Life sciences, 218, 165-184.
    • Flanagan, E. K., Jimenez, L. Q., Flanagan, C. P., Arwari, B., & Smith, W. N. (2016). Apple versus Caffeinated Beverages as Ergogenic Aids During Physical and Cognitive Performance: A Pilot Study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise48(5S), 63. Abstract
    • Joy, J. M., Vogel, R. M., Moon, J. R., Falcone, P. H., Mosman, M. M., Pietrzkowski, Z., … & Kim, M. P. (2016). Ancient peat and apple extracts supplementation may improve strength and power adaptations in resistance trained men. BMC complementary and alternative medicine16(1), 224. Article
 We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.

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