Benefits of BioImmersion’s Probiotics
Dear Friends, ![]() Last week, I was asked by one of our doctors, a Forward Thinking reader, the following: Do you offer a one-page handout explaining the benefits of BioImmersion’s probiotics over other probiotics on the market? A good question, as there are many probiotics to choose from in the market today. It is a booming industry, as it should be, because seeding the gut with friendly bacteria has proven to confer many health advantages. So why ours? Simple, BioImmersion’s probiotics are powerful and nourishing therapeutic foods. Probiotics As Therapeutic Foods: As with any company, the quality of the company’s product line is a direct reflection of the goals, mission and purposes of the company’s owner(s). If their purpose is just another venue to make money, and the quality of their product line is not their primary concern, then their product’s health building performance will generally mirror their attitude. If their life experiences instill in them the inner drive to demand high quality performance in a given product, then they will do what it takes to make that happen. And that is what we decided to do with the Therapeutic Foods line, including of course, the probiotics. Both Dohrea and I have been in the holistic field for over thirty years, bridging the scientific research community with practicing doctors—formulating, educating and marketing a wide variety of high quality products to improve human health. Probiotics have been a major focus of our work over these years, from our very beginnings in 1981. We formed BioImmersion Inc. in 2004 to fully control the product outcomes we wanted. We are a global company working in collaboration and partnership with many scientists, manufacturing experts, farmers and health professionals from all over the world to produce high quality therapeutic foods—foods with exceptional purity, potency and efficacy. Seven Therapeutic Foods Formulas contain probiotic organisms—all being lactic acid bacteria of various species and strains. We are very blessed to have extremely dedicated and gifted microbiologists and cell biologists whom we have worked with over many years—both from this country and from countries in Eastern Europe, especially Bulgaria. To produce good probiotics you’ve got to love your bugs! I must say our teams on both sides of the ocean love their microorganisms and cherish their growing collections. It is a special privilege to us to have a team of scientists in Bulgaria working with us, for Bulgaria is considered to be the motherload when it come to the use of probiotic foods in medicine. The scientific study of probiotics as health promoting medicine began with Illya Metchnikoff PhD, a Nobel Laureat, and longevity scientist who, upon the death of Louis Pasteur, took over the directorship of the Pasteur Institute. Metchnikoff believed that old age can be associated with the preservation of intelligence and the power to work. He has been called the Father of Probiotics for his work in indentifying the probiotic organisms important in promoting healthy longevity and aging at the turn of the 20th Century. He is the founder of Gerontology, establishing it as a the medical discipline. Metchnikoff studied cultures all around the world to see which had the most robust old people, analyzing the reasons for their good health. He observed the power of fermented foods within these long-lived societies and developed the theory that lactic-acid bacteria in the digestive tract could, by preventing putrifactions, prolong life. Bulgarian people were amongst the healthiest older population! Their tradition for fermented foods is known all over the world. Many of our organisms are his own favorites!! As you can see, our probiotics have enjoyed a long healthy tradition of enhancing people’s health and longetivity. BioImmersion is certified to buy reference probiotic organisms from ATCC, the largest repository for probiotic organisms in the world (out of Virginia, USA). ATCC is considered to be the Gold Standard when it comes to indentifying (typing) and safe storage of the mother cultures. Each of our probiotics formulas is a wholesome therapeutic food; each has its own unique strength to heal and nourish the body. As a quick reference to the probiotics, think of each probiotic as a fermented food designed for specific purposes and with the general aim of protecting the gut, digesting food, detoxifying, boosting the immune system and so much more. Original Sybiotic Formula: a basic probiotic therapeutic food, containing bugs and fiber. Remember, each of us need 25 grams of fiber per day. Use this to implant after antibiotic therapy, to battle yeast infections, and add fermentation to your diet. Beta Glucan Synbioitc Formula: specifically designed as a cardiovascular therapeutic food. Also an excellent product for those suffering from Metabolic Syndrome. Great amount of fiber! High ORAC Synbiotic formula: specifically designed to calm the gut, and protect the body with high amount of ORAC, which in turn reduces inflammation and neutralizes free radicals! Triple Berry Probiotic: specifically designed for children to protect brain and gut! Supernatant Synbiotic Formula: specifically designed to protect against infections (hospital generated infections or general infections). Cranberry Pomegranate Synbiotic Formula: specifically designed to protect against urinary tract infections. No 7 Systemic Booster: specifically designed to boost body systems with a powerful combinations of therapeutic foods, probiotics, and specific nutriceuticals for longevity. Every one of the probiotic therapeutic foods can be used as a general probiotic and as a specific healer. It is a good strategy to rotate between several of these therapeutic foods as traditionally we feed our bodies different fermented foods. To your health! Sincerely yours, Seann Bardell Clinical Note: Here are the links to learn more about each of the probiotic therapeutic foods
The Last Quiz Answer: This beautiful prehistoric looking creature is the Emerald Dwarf Camelion from South Africa. Only a handful of these animals have ever been photographed according to Candal Hansel, their photographer. They are found on the green slopes of South Africa’s Sani Pass region. This photo was taken in March 1st, 2010. They are are still discovering new species of reptiles in South Africa? It is believed that there may actually be six or more new dwarf chameleons awaiting formal naming, including this Emerald Dwarf Chameleon.