Blueberries and the Microbiota
Dear Friends,
Do you know that blueberries are a rich source of fiber? As a matter of fact, bifidobacterium love blueberries and grow well when they’re fed a mixure of the berries.
A repeated-measure, crossover dietary intervention on human volunteers was designed to study the effect of a six week consumption of a low bush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) drink, versus a placebo drink, in modulating the intestinal microbiota.
The results obtained suggest that regular consumption of blueberries can possibly modulate the composition of the intestinal microbiota. The Bifidobacteria appeared to be selectively favored suggesting an important role for the fiber present in low bush blueberries.
Joseph et al. 2007. Fruit polyphenols and their effects on neuronal signaling and behavior in senescence. Ann NY Acd Sci; 1100:470-85.
Vendrame et al. 2011. Six-week consumption of a wild blueberry powder drink increases Bifidobacteria in the human gut. J. Agric Food Chem; 59(24):12815-20.
Sincerely yours,
Seann Bardell
Clinical Note:
Our Phyto Power contains the 4 species of blueberry, 3 species of rosehip and 4 species of dandelion all from the wilds of Alaskan. They are wild-crafted (picked in the wild), and are exceptionally loaded with polyphenols and fiber.
But the berries do more: As we look for ways to reduce age-related decline in neuronal function, or explore methods to retard or reverse the age-related neuronal deficits, we find that the regular consumption of polyphenolics in high active fruits continues to rise to the top of the list. Blueberries are still thought of as one of the very best. The Blueberry Extract along with the Phyto Power is a winning combination.
Take two capsule daily of the Phyto Power. This is equivalent of eating six of the rosehip (seeds and all), a small hand full of the blueberries, and a small cup of dandelion salad.
Add one capsule of the Blueberry Extract for a boost. This is equivalent of eating a cup plus of blueberries.
Green Facts

It was so beautiful. He spared no words, and here you have the link to the whole talk in its title: Revolution needed to combat climate change.