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Blueberry Extract and Self Renewing Stem Cell

Do potent polyphenols from blueberry extract help protect and generate more viability and proliferation of these important stem cells? Can blueberry extract reverse decreased viability and proliferation? 

That is exactly the questions that the team of Zheng et al. (2022) at the University of Boston asked - and researched.

The team investigated the effects of blueberries on adult hippocampal human neural  progenitor cells. AHNPs are stem cells self-renew and differentiate into neuronal and Glial cells, or in other words, in charge of the neurogenesis (growth of new neurons) and brain function such as memory.  

Their research focused on blueberry extract treatment on adult hippocampal human neural progenitor cells (AHNPs) that are involved in neurogenesis and other brain functions such as memory.

The answers to both questions are yes, blueberry extract can indeed regenerate specific adult hippocampal human neural progenitor cells. 

Well worth the time to read this exciting research article, to find out how the researchers designed their experiment, the findings, and how this affects our health. Article

 Blueberry Extract

Yours as always,



  • Zheng, T., Bielinski, D. F., Fisher, D. R., Zhang, J., & Shukitt-Hale, B. (2022). Protective Effects of a Polyphenol-Rich Blueberry Extract on Adult Human Neural Progenitor Cells. Molecules27(19), 6152. Article


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.  

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