Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Blueberry Extract is Back!!

Blueberry Extract Food SupplementOur blueberry extract is back and it is better than ever.

Our brain is central to who we are, the core of our very being, and with the frightening specter of the ever rising rate of Alzheimer’s Disease and age-related cognitive dysfunction in America, we at BioImmersion are focusing on creating products supported by research that tackles this issue head on.

The health promotion properties of Blueberry Extract’s phytochemicals are many. Research has demonstrated for years that Blueberry Extract is a powerful supportive super food when it comes to the protection from neuro-degenerative diseases, cancers, and diabetes, to even functioning as a prebiotic—supporting the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut.

The phenolic content/profile of the North American blueberries used in the production of our new blueberry extract is truly remarkable and the fact that our extract perfectly corresponds to the profile of the fresh blueberries is a testament to the richness and purity of the extract. This is the market’s only 100% North American blueberry extract.

We utilize leading technology[1] to assess polyphenolic levels of our North American blueberry cultivar. Our analyses demonstrate a phenolic profile and content that is among the richest of all fruit.

Two major researchers into the world of plant’s phytonutrients and into Blueberry and Blueberry Extract in particular are Dr. James Joseph and Dr. Mary Ann Lila.

The research of Dr. James Joseph was highly influential on blueberry extract as a protective and corrective food in regards to cognitive decline. As the past Director of Research at Tufts University’s USDA Anti-Aging Center, he was prolific in his research using blueberry extract to prevent and reversing senility in old age, and even in reversing Alzheimer’s syndrome specifically. (Joseph 2008; 2010).

Shukitt-Hale B, Joseph JA et al, Blueberry polyphenols attenuate kainic acid-induced decrements in cognition and alter inflammatory gene expression in rat hippocampus. Nutr Neurosci. 2008 Aug;11(4):172-82.

Krikorian R, Kalt W, Joseph J, et al, Blueberry Supplementation Improves Memory in Older Adults. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2010, 58(7), pp3996-3000.

Click on the Blueberry Extract Monograph within the BioImmersion website library for a description of Joseph’s exciting research, taken in part from his wonderful book, The Color Code: A Revolutionary Eating Plan for Optimum Health.   His book is very helpful for educating and motivating yourself and your patients into healthier and colorful eating patterns.

Dr. Mary Ann Lila is the director of the Plants for Human Health Institute at North Carolina State University. She has been a major researcher on blueberries for decades. Dr. Lila and her team have been focusing not only on blueberries ability to alleviate cognitive decline, in particular of late its ability to alleviate the neuro-degeneration of Parkinson’s disease, but also its anti-cancer and anti-diabetic properties. She states, “Now we have the sophisticated instrumentation where we are starting to zero in what these chemicals [polyphenols] are and we can start to pin point and utilize them for human health.”  Dr. Lila is an important food researcher to get to know.

Clinical Notes:

Robert Anderson MD, the eminent author and past president of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine , began purchasing our Blueberry Extract around 5 years ago. Noticing his consistent ordering pattern, I called Dr. Anderson, curious as to his experience of the blueberry. He graciously informed me that both his grandmother on his mother’s side and his mother died of Alzheimer’s and he wanted to do everything in his power to keep his mind sharp. He takes one capsule a day.

Dosage: Take one capsule daily.

Green Facts:

Here’s a list of our our blueberry extract’s 28 phenolic compounds:


[1] HPLC-PDA-HR-MS: Thermo Accella UPLC along with leading edge analytical technology for measuring the total ORAC which quantifies Oxygen Radical Absorbent Capacity in terms of five ROS categories- superoxide (O2*), hydroxyl radical (OH*), peroxyl radical (RO2*), nitric oxide (*NO) and peroxynitrate (OHOO-).



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