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Children's Microbiome: Back to Basics

Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) such as colic, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and diarrhea, along with allergies, and immune deficiencies - are all causation of early age imbalance of the microbiome. 

As adults, many conditions are also associated with early life gut microbiota. Adding to the list of gut related disorders is the inability to lose weight and even obesity (Wegh et al., 2017). 

The team of Wegh et al. researched children from birth to the age of 18 years to ascertain the type of bacteria in the gut and correlate with certain GI disorders. For example: babies with lower amounts of Lactobacilli spp. and higher amounts of Gram-negative bacteria are shown to suffer with colic conditions (Savino et al., 2004)

Researchers also know how important bifidobacteria are in the gut of infants  alongside lactobacilli (De Weerth et al., 2013). Polysaccharide fiber (such as inulin) also plays a major role in children that are 2 - 12 weeks old for reduction of colic symptoms. 

Prebiotics and fiber have been evaluated - and found to help children significantly with constipation, abdominal pain, as well as IBS. The studies are large and show excellent results. 

The article reviews many studies and concludes with the need to modify the diet of children, add fiber, and make sure the microbiota (the population of organism in the gut) is balanced favorably.  Article

The Original is one of our favorite for children! It is a mix of the correct probiotics and fiber.

The Original

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Babies and Young Children’s Microbiome

  • Amenyogbe, N., Kollmann, T. R., & Ben-Othman, R. (2017). Early-life host–microbiome interphase: the key frontier for immune development. Frontiers in pediatrics5, 111. 
  • Cox, M. J., Huang, Y. J., Fujimura, K. E., Liu, J. T., McKean, M., Boushey, H. A., ... & Lynch, S. V. (2010). Lactobacillus casei abundance is associated with profound shifts in the infant gut microbiome. PLoS One5(1), e8745. Article
  • De Weerth, C., Fuentes, S., Puylaert, P., & De Vos, W. M. (2013). Intestinal microbiota of infants with colic: development and specific signatures. Pediatrics, 131(2), e550-e558.
  • Dimidi, E., Christodoulides, S., Scott, S. M., & Whelan, K. (2017). Mechanisms of action of probiotics and the gastrointestinal microbiota on gut motility and constipation. Advances in Nutrition, 8(3), 484-494. Article
  • Goldenberg, J. Z., Lytvyn, L., Steurich, J., Parkin, P., Mahant, S., & Johnston, B. C. (2015). Probiotics for the prevention of pediatric antibioticassociated diarrhea. The Cochrane LibraryAbstract
  • Hodzic, Z., Bolock, A. M., & Good, M. (2017). The role of mucosal immunity in the pathogenesis of necrotizing enterocolitis. Frontiers in pediatrics5, 40.Article
  • Savino, F., Cresi, F., Pautasso, S., Palumeri, E., Tullio, V., Roana, J., ... & Oggero, R. (2004). Intestinal microflora in breastfed colicky and non‐colicky infants. Acta paediatrica, 93(6), 825-829.
  • Vitetta, L., Briskey, D., Alford, H., Hall, S., & Coulson S. (2014). Probiotics, prebiotics and the gastrointestinal tract in health and disease. Inflammopharmacology, DOI: 10.1007/s10787-014-0201-4. Article
  • Wegh, C. A., Schoterman, M. H., Vaughan, E. E., Belzer, C., & Benninga, M. A. (2017). The effect of fiber and prebiotics on children’s gastrointestinal disorders and microbiome. Expert review of gastroenterology & hepatology, 11(11), 1031-1045.


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