Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Communication is key

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?

Dear Friends

We have been going through a major IT upgrade (changing servers, software platforms, etc.) over the past week, as many of you have discovered when trying to log in and order, and were directed to call us for your orders at 425.451-3112. It’s all good and very exciting as when completed we will have the capacity to add many wonder-ful communication technologies to our website. So, hang in there for the duration and do give us a call for an order or a chat. We are truly looking forward to connecting with all of you.

Let us share with you our heart:

RMI (the Rocky Mountain Institute) is one of my favorites.  In this link they are presenting their vision and progress towards recreating/transforming our world wide energy system, called Reinventing Fire, into a system that is environmentally friendly, and ecologically sound.  As they say they are a grass roots, think-and-do organization. RMI demonstrates in this video the very effective use of video technology, highlighting their global activities.

As we all know communication is key for everyone so we can make the wholistic, healing changes in our world that we hold dear.  Our mission at BioImmersion is to promote food as medicine and to advocate a worldwide change in our ecological practices as exemplified in agro-ecology.  I also have taken the task, a research project as Dohrea would say, to help us all get to know who is out there that is doing the good work.

You, dear friends and practitioners, are a part of this hard working group that’s efforting to change the practice of health and medicine.  I think of this beloved work (to use Dohrea’s term) as connecting the dots.  Effective use of technology is key.  Do take just a few moments to connect with one or two of these wonderful groups (links)—it will fill your soul and encourage your own work.

Our new IT platform will give us these capabilities.  Enjoy!

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

This morning why not:

  • 1 scoop Energy Sustain (organic millet, buckwheat, amarath, quinoa, chia)
  • 1 tbl organic Brown Rice Protein
  • 1 tbl Beta Glucan Synbiotic (good bugs and fiber including beet root).
  • 2 caps Phyto Power (wildcrafted rosehip, blueberry, dandelion).
  • 2 tabs  Organic Chlorella
  • 2 caps Cruciferous Sprouts
  • 2 caps of  Ultra Minerals
  • 1 cup organic pear juice, diluted with water, to make a large delicious drink.
  • 1 cap No. 4 Systemic Booster- Metabolic Balance (10 minutes before the drink).
    Bon Appetit

The Last Quiz Answer:

Monkey and Bull discussing food.

“Social justice issues are tied to every aspect of the food system.” EcoLiterate (2012) by Daniel Coleman et al, Chapter seven:  Changing the food system one seed at a time. (page 89)


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