Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Global Review of Heart Health with Oat Beta Glucan

Every so often we need to check again (and again) the validity of certain ingredients' health claims. Today we will highlight a 2020 global review on the scientific standing of beta glucan and heart health.

Mathews et al. (2020) examined studies made before 1997 that initiated the evidence on the relationship between oat beta-glucan and coronary heart disease (CHD) - and found positive results for heart health. 

The research group also studied 49 clinical trials that were published since 1997 and outlined the various results, and possible factors that impact the efficacy of beta glucan materials due to different processing methods. 

What I find rewarding in this article is the meticulous analysis of many countries, their health claims and findings, and the studies that back them up. 

The Article is excellent, and enlarges upon your knowledge and understanding of the importance of outstanding food ingredients that show consistency over decades of positive results.


Beta Glucan Synbiotic


Mathews, R., Kamil, A., & Chu, Y. (2020). Global review of heart health claims for oat beta-glucan products. Nutrition Reviews, 78(Supplement_1), 78-97. Article

Yours as always,


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.  


World Peace: The Perfect Short Films on Peace Making. Frank Buckman

Globe_Home 3

Tune in to this short film! It brought tears to my eyes as I saw such beautiful people doing so much work with such passion and joy - spreading a message of peace. 

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