Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

High ORAC is back on the Shelf

We have really missed the High ORAC Synbiotic - a comprehensive post antibiotic care that is also used in many important protocols.

The High ORAC is indeed the highest ORAC product on the market today, with With 40,000 units of Total ORAC! 

The powerful antioxidant protects, calm, and regenerates the whole GI tract when it is inflamed. It is the reason we designated it for after antibiotic therapy. 

The High ORAC Synbiotic is also used in any protocol that requires an excellent probiotic mix that is foundational to the health of the microbiome. As we have learned last spring, the polyphenols of the High ORAC mix serve to increase the growth and strength of the probiotics - it is what we call the abundance principle - probiotics LOVE polyphenols and together the interaction is magical in the body. 



 High ORAC Synbiotic

 High ORAC Synbiotic

Polyphenols with a very high Total ORAC and probiotics:  1 capsule a day. We also suggest the High ORAC for post antibiotic care, precisely because of its antimicrobial potential.   


  • Alves-Santos, A. M., Sugizaki, C. S. A., Lima, G. C., & Naves, M. M. V. (2020). Prebiotic effect of dietary polyphenols: A systematic review. Journal of Functional Foods74, 104169. Article
  • Banerjee, A., & Dhar, P. (2019). Amalgamation of polyphenols and probiotics induce health promotion. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition59(18), 2903-2926. Abstract 


    Sincerely yours,


    We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.


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    A new government recommendation says supplements aren’t worth it. The science says otherwise.

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