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International Women's Day: For Awareness' Sake

Did you know that International Women's Day (IWD) has been around for over a hundred years? 

Since 1911 international women's day has endeavored to bring awareness of equality, not just between men and women, but between all human beings.

Diversity and differences are celebrated today, with the purpose of achieving a harmonious interaction internationally, as the norm. 

When we do the math, it will take until 2158 to reach full gender equality in the slow pace of our progress (IWD, 2025). So something needs to give, but what?

If women start to blame men or governments for lack of progress then we are back at divisions and anger, and that is not how we evolve our societies globally. 

IWD organization's campaign for 2025 is "Accelerate Action"  - when we gather collectively to address issues in peace, we are able to reach hearts and minds, and address the barriers that stand in the way of equality. 

A world that embraces everyone with dignity is a peaceful world, and a peaceful world activates creativity and prosperity, together with love and happiness. 

Sounds too lofty? That is only because we are unfamiliar with this step of our evolution. 

I am sending my love to everyone. 

Yours As Always, 


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