Maui, breakfast, and the microbiome
Dear Friends
Well, in just 12 days from today it’s the Hawaii Doc Talks Convention!, but who’s counting.
On Friday March 3rd we will host the breakfast in Maui and teach on a topic that gets right to the heart of the matter regarding food as medicine: The Intelligence and Power of Therapeutic Food Supplements: Science, Research, and Protocol.
Click on the above link to the see our learning objectives for the doctors. The third objective is: Discover the next generation probiotics — infection fighting Supernatant metabolites and immune boosting microRNA.
Remember, if you can’t join us this time around, I would be more than happy to meet you via the zoom meeting format online. Just let me know and we’ll set it up.
The two photos below present our synbiotic formulas. The top one highlighting our new LactORN Synbiotic and the photo below seven more probiotic offerings.
Understanding our microbiome is without a question one of the hottest topics in medicine. Hippocrates, 2400 years ago, said that all disease begins in the gut. In a recent speech Dr. Francis Collins, past director of the Human Microbiome Project, and present director of the NIH said,
We are a chimera-like creatire whose healthy metabolic and physiologic functioning is governed by not only our 10 trillion human cells and their 22,000 genes but also by our human microbiome community that co-habitate our bodies, all 100 trillion of them with their 2 to 8 million genes—most of them bacteria living in our GI tract. (2015, Supercharging Science for the Superorganism)
“An ever-growing number of studies have demonstrated that changes in the composition of our microbiomes correlate with numerous disease states, raising the possibility that manipulation of these communities could be used to treat disease.” (HMP Home page).
The microbiome must be taken into account regarding metabolic diseases (Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease), gastrointestinal disease (IBS, IBD), and neuroligical health.
Yours truly,
Seann Bardell CEO
BioImmersion Inc.
We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.
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