Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Natures Bounty in our Backyard

Dear Friends,

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?

It feels like winter has decended upon us here in the Northwest.  It’s really dark at 5pm and light at the crack of 7:30am.  Reluctantly, I dug up the garden, our condo communal patch, all 9 by 15 feet of it, this past Thanksgiving week-end— discarding the tomatoe and squash vines, the cabbage and a whithered artichoke plant, and the miscellanious rest of the spent vegetable folage.

As we have no place to compost the vegetate, I packed it up for disposal elsewhere and contemplated what to do with my denuded soil.  What is the best way to protect it, nourish it and prepare it for a strong Spring start—4 months from now?

I consulted with my favorite gardening book:  Gardening For The Future Of The Earth (2000).  In this gem of a book the masters of organic gardening—Bill Mollison, John Jeavons, Alan York, Carol Deppe, Alan Kapuler, Wes jackson and Masanobu Fukouka, show us how to create natural bounty in our own backyard and help save the planet one seed at a time.

Alan York represented the Biodynamic farming method which is based on the work of Rudolf Steiner, the Austrian educator and philosopher, who observed during the 1920s that declining crop yields and a drop in their nutritional values were due to the growth of modern chemical agriculture and the disruption of natural forces and processes.

Biodynamic farming is based on a holistic approach, involving the conservation of all resources and especiallhy the recycling of all organic matter to improve soil fertility, and the use of balanced organic fertilizers and soil amendments.

I had a personal experience with such farming methods in the late 70s when I worked for a short while on the farm commune of Alan Chadwick.  Chadwick brought to America and made famous the Steiner farming techniques.  His vegetable garden was a virtual Garden of Eden.  It was magnificent in everyway—diverse, lush, jungle-like, and delicious—a garden filled with worms, insects, birds, and student gardeners like myself.  I knew his method would produce results, but I wanted to try another way.

I had heard of The One Straw Revolution, a book by Masanobu Fukouka, but hadn’t really checked it out much.  I knew that Fukouka advocated not to till the ground, whereas tilling the ground and feeding the soil compost were my ultiment farming techniques. Somehow, according the Fukouka, you could get greater yields without doing so, while at the same time working less hard.  That sounded too good to be true, so I decided to check him out.

Masanobu was a man of nature (he passed away in 2008) and he developed a way of farming that truly integrates with nature.  His goal was to create a food producing environment that diverged as little as possible from a natural one.  He observed that the earth cultivates itself.  There is no need for man to do what roots, worms and microorganisms do better.  Plowing the soil alters the natural environment and promotes the growth of weeds.  His four principles of vegetable farming are: (1) no plowing or tuning of the soil, (2) no chemical fertilizer or prepared compost, (3) no weeding by tillage or herbicides and (4) no dependence on chemicals.  Here is a great short video on the life of Masanobu and his work:  One-Straw Revolution.

The bottom line is that in an unaltered natural environment, the orderly growth and decay of plant and animal life fertilizes the soil without any help from humans. As he worked with nature to produce a more bountiful food crop, Masanobu used different plants to work the soil for him.  He planted deep rooted plants like daikon, burdock and dandelion whose roots go down and open up the soil.  Then he added the ground cover of white clover which has the ability to take nitrogen from out of the air and put it into the soil.  He planted nitrogen fixing trees like Acacia to improve the soil deep down.  His garden had the structure of a natural forest.  As  the forest ecology took hold he was able to work less and less.  I like the sound of that, don’t you?  Feed yourself on less work!  I will give you a report in the next couple of weeks on what I am going to use for ground covers and my new strategy for creating our one-straw condo garden patch.

This brings me back around to one of our new products—the Ultra Mineral Complex. Again, let’s review what the Ultra Mineral Complex is composed of, wherethey come from, and most importantly what can they do for you?

The Ultra Mineral Complex is composed of 72 plant based trace minerals.  Next week within the Library Tab, under the Ultra Mineral Complex Dossier you will find a monograph that contains a listing of all the minerals.  Also a single paged Spec Sheet displaying all of the minerals will be located there.

Where do the minerals come from?

The minerals come from the natural organic world, from a time before the emergence of human kind when mother nature deposited layer upon layer of plant material through nature’s organic mulching process, creating a wonderally rich soil full of 72 different plant bound minerals.  Approximately, 75 million years ago a prehistoric rain forest in Utah was covered by glaciation or by some other natural process— 840 acreas of plant vegetate.  This rich humic material has been preserved in strata that is as much as thirty feet deep—we call it Mesozoic Vegetate.

This area is estimated to contain reservers of about 32 billion metric tons of compost.  This is sufficient to produce at least 2 trillion gallons of liquid Mesozoic minerals.  Through a natural leaching process, running pure water through the vegetate, we are able to capture 72 nano-sized, negatively charged, trace minerals, that bond to the water molecules.  This process results in a juice that contains approximately 40,000 milligrams of 72 plant-dervied minerals per quart.  We then drum dry this liquid to obtain a pure negatively charge mineral powder, which we then encapsulate into (vegetarian capsules) a 150mg of pure trace minerals per capsule.  Nothing else added.

What can this mineral complex do for you?

This is the exciting part.  Our bodies are made of minerals.  Minerals are foundational to all metabolic processes.  Without sufficient trace mineral intake our bodies cannot function fully or achieve robust health.  This is well understood by the holistic medical community.  The late, great Linus Pauling said, “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”

The good news is that this Mesozoic vegetate resource is not just newly discovered but was in fact found in the 1930s.  Water extracts of this material have been consumed by humans and livestock since that time with amazing health benefits, health building results that approach the realm of miraculous.  We are very excited about this product and in our monograph next week I will spell out in more detail the research regarding the health building power of this material.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

Cold-water extracted from a pristine source of Mesozoic Vegetate, Ultra Minerals delivers a full spectrum of important plant-based elements and minerals in varying trace amounts, the majority of which are absent from our foods and mineral supplements currently on the market. Plant-based minerals which are naturally chelated through plant root uptake and digestion.

As you can see from the label, each capsule contains 150mg of pure negatively charged colloidal minerals, that are in nano-sized particles—ionically bond with water molecules and are 100% bioavailable. They can be absorbed through the skin. Take one to four capsules a day.


The Last Quiz Answer:

If you didn’t know the name of this gorgeous creature, it’s understandable.  I didn’t either and I had to call my friends at the WWF (World Wildlife Fund)—they of course knew.

It’s a Fossa, an indigenous animal found in Madagascar. Until recently scientists thought the fossa, with its feline features, was a primitve kind of cat.  I thought it was a cross between a cat and a German Shepard … just kidding.  It is actually one of the largest members of the mongoose family.

The fossa is the largest carnivore and top predator native to Madagascar.  It is known to feed on lemurs and most other creatures it can get its claws on, fresh from wild pigs to mice.  Here is a live video of the Fossa.


We need people with guts and vision.  And, thank God, we have such people in our country and around the world to stand with in the fight for social justice and environmental integrity. Last week I highlighted Marsha Coleman- Adebayo—a person to get to know.  This week, I bring you Van Jones, the former Green Czar for the Obama White House.The following two links I have included here—Van Jone’s Power Shift 2011 Keynote and Van Jone’s conversation with Keith Olbermann of Fox News—show us a clear way forward.  Do take the time to listen to what these courageous people have to say. They will brighten your day and give you hope for America and the human race.  They will give you a direction for your activist soul.  As Van says, it’s The Clean Energy Revolution and The Clean Organic Local Food Revolution and will save our world.  He not only gives a solution but gets into the heart of the problem.

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