Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

No. 4 is back and better!

Dear Friends

Can you idenitify this beautiful creature?

Can you identify this beautiful creature?

Number 4 Systemic Booster is back!  And, it is even better!!

Let’s briefly review its features and benefits and why it’s better.

Ingredient wise it is the same product, containing two components—7 Keto DHEA and wildcrafted, certified organic brown seaweed extract from Kelp and Bladderwrack.

7-Keto DHEA:  features and benefits

  • 7-Keto is an endline metabolite of DHEA.  It is a chemical impossibility for it to convert back up to DHEA, which means that it cannot convert to other steroids like testosterone or estrogen.
  • 7-Keto works naturally with the body to enhance the activity of three key fat burning (thermogenic) enzymes.  The up-regulation of these key enzymes provides a higher metabolic rate during periods of caloric restriction and diet modification.
  • Multiple peer-reviewed, placebo-controlled clinical trials have demonstrate that taking 100 mg twice daily when combined with a program of diet and exercise will result in a three-fold increase in weight loss and fat loss compared to placebo.
  • Other evidence points to the positive effects that 7-Keto may have on immune (enhances interleukin-2 production by human mononuclear leukocytes) and brain function (more effective that DHEA in improving memory).
  • Our 7-Keto is made from plant sources.  It is manufactured to a very high level of purity to look exactly like the 7-Keto our bodies produce.  Therefore it’s a vegetarian product.


  • Lardy H et al. Ergosteroids II: biologically active metabolites and synthetic derivatives of dehydroepiandrosterone. Steroids 1998;63:158-65. 
  • Davidson et al. Safety and pharmacokinetic study with escalating doses of 3-acetyl-7oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone in healthy male volunteers. Clin Invest Med 2000;23(5):300-10. 


Kelp and Bladderwrack:  features and benefits

  • Both brown seaweeds are USDA Certified Organic and Wildcrafted.
  • The Kelp (ascophyllum nodosum) and Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) are extracted with pure water to extract the polyphenols and maintain them in a biologically-active form.
  • The mix slows down the rate of absorption of glucose from the diet.  In one of four clinical trial this combination induced a 48% lower post-meal blood sugar response than placebo and reduced the need for insulin by 12%.
  • Kelp and Bladderwrack do not block carbohydrate absorption, the mix just slows it down in a healthy way.
  • By slowing down the amalase and sucrase enzymes you get less spikes in blood sugar and less insulin produced.  It is similiar to eating brown bread verses white bread.  You get the same amount of sugar digested but the brown bread facillitates a much slower absorption.
  • These are very important attributes when it comes to maintaining stamina, healthy blood sugar levels, and achieving the ability to loose weight from fat loss.
  • When taken with meals the No. 4 Systemic Booster helps to lower the glycemic index.


  • Roy MC et al.  Effect of a commercially-available algal phlorotannins on digestive enzymes and carbohydrate absorption in vivo. Food Research International 2011.
  • Zenk JL et al. HUM5006, a novel combination of thermogenic compounds, and 3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone: each increases the resting metabolic rate of overweight adults. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 2007;18:629-63. 

What makes this new and improved No. 4 better?  See Clinical Notes below.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell


Clinical Notes:

We decided to increase each components amount in a capsule by 50%.  The 7 Keto has increased from 50mg to 75mg and the brown seaweed from 125mg to 200mg. Although legally we do not need to change the label for a 50% increase (interesting isn’t it?), we will do so on the next run to show the increase.

The new dosage is aligned with the amounts used in the studies for your easement.

Recommended dosage:  For weight loss, one capsule twice daily before your two largest meals.  This will lower the glycemic load of each meal, and predispose the body towards burning stored fat for energy—thus fat weight loss.

For energy and memory boost, stamina and general immune enhancement, take one to two capsules in the morning and afternoon.

The Last Quiz Answer:

The Northern Bald Ibis at one time existed in large numbers in many countries. They even existed in Germany and Switzerland, but almost completely vanished from Europe in the 17th century. In addition to being hunted for food, it is believed that climate change has also led to their disappearance. Few habitats remain, building and farmland development has taken the place of their feeding and nesting areas. There are a small number of habitats in North Africa, but they are on the brink of extinction.

If you possibly can, please come out to the EPA coal rules hearing tomorrow.  The Environmental Protection Agency is holding a public listening in Seattle about their new rules on coal-fired power plants.

What:  EPA Public Listening Session on coal-fired plants.
Who:  You, your friends, and people representing a diverse coalition of climate activists.
When:  Thursday, November 7th 3-6pm.
Where:  Henry M. Jackson Federal Building, 915 2nd Ave, Seattle.
Sign Up:  To attend the official listening session, register with the EPA here.
This notification:  Thanks to the team.

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