Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Protection of Stem Cells with Blueberries

Let me re-emphasize the ability of Blueberries to protect our stem cells, thereby protecting our brain and nervous system. 

It is important. 

When there is a decline in the health of our neural progenitor cells - or stem cells - there is also a decline in neurogenesis that leads to dysfunction of cognitive abilities. 

In other words, stem cells are central for keeping our brains and nervous system healthy by regenerating new cells that are healthy. 

The team of Zheng et all. (2022) is one of my favorite teams that has been studying blueberries and their powerful ability to protect and regenerate cells in the brain and nerve cells for many years, and many generations of newly trained scientists.

Twenty years ago, Seann developed a beautiful relationship with the head investigator in this group, James Joseph, and later Shukitt-Hale, who is still teaching and researching the effects of blueberries. Together they formulated our Blueberry Extract into a powerhouse.

And today, we continue our journey delving deeper into the research and are investigating stem cells that build all other cells. The research is fascinating and worth reading. Article


 Blueberry Extract

Yours as always,



  • Zheng, T., Bielinski, D. F., Fisher, D. R., Zhang, J., & Shukitt-Hale, B. (2022). Protective Effects of a Polyphenol-Rich Blueberry Extract on Adult Human Neural Progenitor Cells. Molecules27(19), 6152. Article


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.  

World Peace: The Perfect Short Films on Peace Making. Frank Buckman

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