Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Recent Clinical Trials: Beta Glucans, Blood Sugar Regulation, Weight Loss

A beautiful doctoral research thesis by Hossain (2024) at Lund University, Division of Food and Pharma, investigated with four intervention studies, the effects of beta gluons on blood sugar, weight loss, and of course heart health.

Hossain's research concluded that beta glucans from oats improves postprandial glycemic responses and worked on lowering hunger by increasing the secretion of appetite regulating hormones. 

In fact, only 2g of beta glucans lower the blood glucose peak after a meal, a new discovery that is much lower than most governments around the world are recommending. 

If you have not had a chance to go over a research conducted for part of the doctoral requirements, this is an excellent work by Hossain that was published in 2024. It is lengthy, around 81 page, and if you are in a hurry, a nice summary is found on page 80. Article

Beta Glucan Synbiotic


Hossain, M. M. (2024). Health benefits of oat (Avena sativa) bioactives. Acute and second-meal effects of oat polar lipids and beta-glucans. Lund University. Article

Yours as always,


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.  


World Peace: The Perfect Short Films on Peace Making. Frank Buckman

Globe_Home 3

Tune in to this short film! It brought tears to my eyes as I saw such beautiful people doing so much work with such passion and joy - spreading a message of peace. 

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