The Marian Institute
Dear Friends, ![]() This week email will focus on the amazing good work of the Marion Institute. You will be thrilled with the tour of their website, getting to know who they are, and what they do. Indeed, there are wonderful groups around the world, endeavoring to bring sanity and rightness back to our existence.
Let me guide you though their website and blow your mind just a little. Click here: The Marion Institute. You are on their home page. Now click on the butterfly and Connecting For Change—a Bioneers by the Bay Conference. Who are the Bioneers? I will get into that in just a minute, but I’d like to quickly expose you to the feel of this group. Greg Mortenson, author of 3 Cups of Tea and Stones Into Schools, will be the keynote speaker. He will be joined with many other fabulous presenters like Annie Leonard The Meaning of Stuff, whom we conversed about in our Aug. 13th, 2010 Forward Thinking. But scroll down a bit on the page and click on the streaming video entitled, 2009 Bioneers By The Bay Conference. You will feel the spirit of this coming event and this wonderful movement that is spreading around the earth. Now back at their home page, notice seven little pictures. Each of these is link to a program that The Marion Institute sponsors and promotes. The picture on the far left takes you into the Biological Medicine Network and Dr. Thomas Rau (last weeks Forward Thinking). Click on the picture called Future Primitive: The Future Primitive.
While at the Biological Medicine Conference two weeks ago, I had the joy of meeting and later interviewing the Executive Director of the Marion Institute—Desa Van Laahaven: The Marion Institute was founded in 1993 by Michael and Marge Baldwin. Michael is an entrepreneur and an investor. Be sure to see the Green Facts below where I link you to his investment firm. He was one of the first socially responsible investors. Michael and his good friend Paul Hawkins (author of Natural Capitalism and 12 other books) came up with the idea of a Socially Responsible Investments (SRI). The Baldwin’s firm has presently two portfolios—one is High Water Global, and the other is called What if? (Coincidently, one of our earlier topics in our publishing blog by Dohrea Bardell is titled: High Water has 42 different companies in it. They are funds that have very strict criteria in which each company has to adhere to, including the institute’s 3 Ps—People, Profit, and Planet. The good news is that these are investment opportunities that promote corporations that are the hope for a future clean world, where social equity environmental quality and sustainable economy reign. The bad news is that both these portfolios require sizable investment dollars to get in. However, staying true to their beliefs in accessibility, diversity, and root cause solutions, they are in the process of creating a portfolio that in much affordable to invest in. Isn’t that exciting to be able to invest in winning companies that are the future of the emerging Second Industrial Revolution—the clean, sustainable, system revolution. I asked Desa to explain the Marion Institute relation to the Bioneers. She explained that the Bioneers were founded, twenty years ago, by Nina Simons and Kenny Ausubel. They were trying to bring innovators, scientists, and solution-based thinkers together for a conference, and it grew from there. They started to beam their solutions over to the Marion Institute, so that the Marion could help them connect the dots. The Bioneers have become one of the Marion Institutes seven programs. The Marion Institute has 7 programs and 13 serendipity projects. The programs are completely run by Marion through their paid employees. Serendipity projects represent organizations that receive funding from the Marion Institute. The Institute gives away around 900 scholarships a year. This is a wonderful group to get to know and be apart of. Sincerely yours, Seann Bardell Clinical Note: The Bioimmersion web site is full of amazing (if I may say so) information for you and your patients Those who read it become very excited about what we have produced in our Therapeutic Food Line. By the same token we are all looking for quick and efficient ways to encapsulate our message and take in new information. To that end we have decided to create what we are calling The One Minute Protocol. Look for it in the weeks to follow Forward Thinking. It will be a streaming video format giving to you a protocol in a minute or less. Each week will be a different protocol. The Last Quiz Answer: Congratulations! Quite a number of you got this one right. This amazing animal is a New World Saki monkey (Pithecia pithacia). The Saki Monkeys are primarily found in Northern and Central South America from Colombia to Peru and even into Bolivia and Brazil. The species is diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and they sleep at night. The Saki Monkey is known to live in the trees of the rain forests and it is the rare occasion when they are actually found walking on the land. They are omnivore and eat a wide variety of things that they find in the rain forest such as fruits, flowers, insects, leaves, and even rodents and bats. The monkeys are adept hunters and they generally take what they can get. For those of you who guess this weeks animal the prize is our new Organic Chlorella.