The Power of Good Probiotics
When we think of food as medicine, right at the top of this list should be the health building power of fermented foods. Our gastrointestinal microbiome thrives with the support of friendly, health-promoting bacteria that only properly cultured fermented foods and property selected and manufactured probiotics supplements can provide. (See more)
Yolanda Sanz et al. (2010) in “Probiotics as Drugs Against Human Gastrointestinal Pathogens” in Frontiers in Anti-infective Drug Discovery, 1, 107-123, focus on the healthy immune stimulating function that good bacteria can provide.
Sanz et al. nicely summarize the possible mechanisms, the action of probiotics against gastrointestinal pathogens. These categories include (1) modification of the environmental conditions, (2) competition for nutrients and adhesion sites, (3) production of antimicrobial compounds, (4) modulation of the immune and non-immune defense mechanisms of the host, and (5) regulation of the intestinal neuromuscular function.
But there is more.
Imbedded within Sanz et al.’s research is a leading edge concept that we have utilized in our Bulgarian collection of probiotic formulas. We will also be expanding our probiotic offering with a new synbiotic formula, with the focus on priming the immune system.
This formula is designed to strengthen the mechanism and function of the immune system. We will share more in next week’s Forward Thinking.
Our Therapeutic Foods Synbiotic Formulas supply wonderful, healthy bacteria that support good digestion, the elimination of toxins, regulating immunity and preventing pathogen colonization and invasion.the Product of the Month.
Clinical Notes:
What we call our Bulgarian synbiotic formulas are the Supernatant Synbiotic Formula, the Cranberry Pomegranate Synbiotic Formula and the No. 7 Systemic Booster. These formulas were created as the result of our collaborative work with Bulgarian and American scientists.
It was clear from the very beginning of creating our synbiotic formulas that one of the ingredients that our Bulgarian team of scientists insisted must be in all the formulas was the supernatant. To produce supernatant we took L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilis, put them in a broth of carefully selected foods for the growth, and then collected their metabolic byproducts—their digestive enzymes, their B and K vitamins, their lactic acid, their bacterocines, their biosurfactants and their oligoribonucleotides.
Once these metabolites were produced we then collected this supernatant material and added to it the bulgaricus and thermophilis as dead whole cells, and the whole lot was freeze-dried. This supernatant our Bulgarian scientist assured us had strong healthy immune stimulating properties, without over stimulating the system, more of a waking it up, yet balancing the immune response as the same time.
Supernatant Synbiotic Formula: take one capsule a day or as directed by your health practitioner
Cranberry Pomegranate Synbiotic Formula: take one capsule a day or as directed by your health practitioner.
No. 7 Systemic Booster: take one tsp. a day or as directed by your health practitioner.
Welcome to the Healthy Kitchen Power Hour with John and Ocean Robbins. The goal is to make it easy to integrate your beliefs about food into your day-to-day life. This is a free global event hosted by John and Ocean.
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