Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

What’s Good in the World

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?

Dear Friends,

This week in Clinical Notes below, you will see the label for our new No. 4 Systemic Booster: Metabolic Balance, with a brief explanation.  It will be the first of six new products that will join with No. 7 Systemic Booster to make up the expanded Systemic Booster Range within the Therapeutic Foods Line; coming into being this Fall season.  The ETA for No. 4 is the end of October. I’ll keep you posted as we will be uploading concepts and research surrounding this exciting product over the next couple emails.

I received an email today from The Global Oneness Project and I thought that I must pass it to you—to lift your spirits.  I can’t say enough about the Global Oneness Project.  It is like a glass of clean, pure, fresh mountain water.  It nourishes your soul; opens your heart, gives you hope.  It urges courage and compassion.

There are so many trippy things to click on.  Here are three: on to you—to lift your spirits.  I can’t say enough about the Global Oneness Project.  It is like a glass of clean, pure, fresh mountain water.  It nourishes your soul; opens your heart, gives you hope.  It urges courage and compassion.

  • Read Parker Palmer’s short essay, Five Habits to Heal the Heart of Democracy.
  • View the trailer of the film Elemental.
  • Hear the enlightening reflections of The Sheikh and the Rabbi:  A Jerusalem Fable.


Sincerely yours,
Seann Bardell
Clinical Note:

No.4 d

No. 4 Systemic Booster is made up of two basic components:  7-Keto DHEA which is a downstream metabolite of DHEA, and seaweed extract derived from two different species of seaweed.  The beauty of the combination is that they help the body to burn stored body fat for energy, thereby helping one to loose weight as body fat.  Next week we will get into the research regarding these two ingredients. You’ll be excited.

The Last Quiz Answer:

The Greater Bulldog Bat from the jungles of Belize had a two foot wingspan.  After dark the hunters hunt.  Nick named the Fisherman, they have enlarged feet and claws to grab fish as they fly over the water at 40 miles per hour.

Look closely and you can make out the bulldogish face with mouth open, exposing a set of menacing looking teeth.  Most bulldog Bats feed only on insects.  This Belize variety takes fish, frogs and crustaceans as well.

Too many of us are giving away our power at the polls by simply not showing up. The U.S. has a lower average voter turnout than in most countries in Europe, Asia and Central and South America … Let’s vote.

Have you tuned in to Anne Leonard’s important work—The Story of Change?

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