Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Fast Food Diet Killing Us

Dear Friends,

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?

Let me ask you a question—What is the factor most associated with developing diabetes?

23.7 million Americans had diabetes in 2009, costing the healthcare system $165 billion. But, a study released recently by the University of Chicago predicts that by 2034 the nation’s diabetes cases will double to 44.1 million with the cost of treatment at more than $336 billion.

Remember in last week’s Newsletter we discussed the superb educational documentary Food Inc. It was, in fact, created for that purpose—to educate and rally young and old, rich and poor to make the effort to change our present failing food system. We talked about the film being divided into 12 chapters, and that each chapter is accompanied by a downloadable Discussion Guide. Perfect for an educator.

This week I will give you a taste of Chapter Four—The Dollar Menu: Should access to healthy food be a right for everyone?

Take a look at this picture from the movie- Food Inc. These are people, from low income families in a nutrition class at the California Center for Public Health Advocacy, giving an affirmative answer to the question—How many of you have three members in you family who are diabetic?


What is going on here?

Here’s another fact for you. This segment from the movie starts out with a Mexican American family of four—a father and mother and two girls. They are at a drive-in-window of a fast food restaurant. The father orders:

5 Rodeo Cheeseburgers- $5.00

2 Chicken Sandwiches- $2.00

2 Small Sprite- $2.00

1 large Dr. Pepper- $1.60

Subtotal- $10.60

Tax- .88cent

Total- $11.48

As is typical with Mexican American families, they work long hours at two or three low paying jobs. They leave home at 6 am and get back home at 9pm—they must eat on the run. The movie shows them together going to the supermarket, pricing out produce such as broccoli verses the much less expensive snack “foods”. It asks the question why can one buy a double cheeseburger for 99 cents, and yet, you can’t buy a head of broccoli for that? The answer to this question is government subsidies.

The movie then features an interview with Michael Pollan (The Omnivore’s Dilemma) describing subsidies.

We skewed our food system to the bad calories and it is not an accident. The reason these calories are cheaper is because those are the calories that are heavly subsidized. This is directly tied to the kind of agriculture we are practicing and the kind
of farm policies we enact.

All those snack food calories come from the commodity crops—wheat, corn and soy. By making those calories really cheap, poor families can afford them….We are hard wired to go for salt, fat and sugar. These things are very rare in nature. Now sugar is available 24-7. High fructose corn syrup and refined carbohydrates leads to these spikes of insulin and gradually a warring down of the system where by our body metabolizes

Let’s discuss subsidies briefly.

Our government sets or makes policies deciding who gets subsidies. Farmers then respond to those crops they can make the most guaranteed money on. Thus highly subsidized crops like corn, wheat and soy are focused on. This creates a chain reaction throughout the food supply industry.

The meat in McDonalds hamburgers is fattened on corn, the most highly subsidized crop in America. A report from Tufts University clamims that the American beef industry saves some $562 million a year, on average, by fattening cattle on subsidized corn. Total subsidies to corn topped $4.6 billion in 2006. (The Value of Nothing, Pub. 2010, by Raj Patel, p. 44)

Food companies use these commodities, corn, wheat and soy, to make hydrogenated oil, and high fructose corn syrup. The lowest cost options at the grocery store are often those made up of refined grains with added sugars and fats. The main reason these products are cheap is that they contain one or more subsidized ingredients. Nearly all processed foods contain high-frutose corn syrup. (FOOD, INC.—the movie)

We are complicit in the problem, as these are our tax dollars that they are using. What is the driving force that decides how farmers can make money? Follow the Farm Bills’ policies the government enacts. Follow the machinations of Congress. See below The Green Facts. Let’s get involved.

Now back to our Mexican American family. The father of this family is a diabetic and his eye sight is failing as a result of the disease. Much of their income is spent on his medications. Most of his income is derived from driving, which is now becoming questionable because of his poor eyesight.

As you know well, diabetes is now affecting children in epidemic proportions. One in three Americans born after 2000 will contact early onset diabetes. Among the minorities the rate will be one in two. Now back to the top and my question for you—What is the leading predictor for aquiring diabetes? The answer is—Income Level.

Isn’t it time we factor in the true costs for our country becoming a fast food nation—the cost to our national health, the cost to our environment, the cost to the poor? Who pays the cost for this bad food? We all do! Who reaps the profits? A handful of large multinational corporate conglomerates. It is time to take action at the governmental policy level, to set the rules so that our food supply system operates sustainably, enhances environmental quality and delivers healthy food to all.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

If one can afford just one of the Therapeutic Foods Formulas to support their health, which one would we suggest? Of course it depends on what issues the patient is dealing with, but the Number 7 Systemic Booster powerfully supports major systems in the body! Including the endocrine system and the body’s efficient utilization of insulin. We have received postive reports from doctors who are using it for many reasons, including the treatment of diabetes. Check it out.

The Last Quiz Answer: This beautiful creature is a Mongolian Wild Camel. As a safeguard against its extinction, the Wild Camel Protection Foundation (WCPF) has established a captive wild Bactrian camel breeding program in Mongolia, the only program of its type in the world. The Mongolian Ministry of Nature and the Environment (MMNE) supports this initiative and has made land available near the Great Gobi Specially Protected Area ‘A’, the only natural habitat of the wild Bactrian camel in Mongolia.

The immune system of a single humped, dromedary camel is beginning to yield amazing secrets. For example, an increased ability to resist certain types of diseases including diabetes through the consumption of camel milk.

Scientists have every reason to think that a detailed study of the immune system of the wild Bactrian camel will yield scientific discoveries which will be of benefit to the whole of mankind. For example, how is it that the wild Bactrian camels survived 43 atmospheric nuclear tests and are still breeding naturally without any recognizable deformities? How has the wild Bactrian camel managed to survive on salt water that the domestic Bactrian will not drink?

Reminds me of the wonderful benefits from animals highlighted in Dr. Eric Chivian’s amazing book—Sustaining Life- How Human Health Depends on Biodiversity (See Jan. 6th, 2010 Newsletter in our Archives).

Everything you thought you knew about organics is about to change. If the USDA and Monsanto get their way, organic integrity is about to go the way of the dinosaur.Once again, the organic industry is under assault. This time the USDA is determined to let Monsanto ride roughshod over common sense environmental rules that would protect organic farmers from having their crops contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds.Tell Secretary Vilsack that Monsanto’s GMO alfalfa cannot be allowed to undermine the organic industry. Comments are due by close of business on Wednesday, March 3rd. So please ACT TODAY: Click here Food Democracy Now!

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